Medication Management

Medical and Mental Health Services
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Medication Management

Medication Management services offered across Georgia

Medications offer an effective way to manage many types of physical and mental health symptoms. If you think you might benefit from medication management, schedule a telehealth visit with Dr. Carlyn Sainvil, at Elitist Healthcare. Serving patients in and beyond Georgia, Dr. Sainvil can help ensure your medications are working for you in the best way possible. Schedule an appointment online today. 

Medication Management Q&A

How does medication management work?

Medications produce effects that regulate your physical function, thoughts, and emotions. Different medicines produce different effects on your brain and body. Adjustments in dosage or combinations of several medications may be needed for you to receive the most benefits from your treatment. 

Medication management helps ensure your medications are working for you. If your treatment isn’t effective at providing you with symptom relief, you may need your dose tailored or to consider other treatments as part of your care. 

What conditions can benefit from medication management?

Many physical and mental health conditions can improve with medication management, including:

  • High cholesterol 
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease 
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

You may also need medication management if you’re enrolled in obesity management and take medications over the course of your treatment to improve health problems and enhance weight loss efforts. 

As medication takes effect and reduces some or all of your symptoms, you’re able to focus on other parts of your treatment and recovery plan.

How do I know which medication is right for me?

It takes time to learn what medication or combination of medications works best for you. Dr. Sainvil guides you toward the best options based on your medical history and symptoms. She takes your concerns about side effects into account as well. 

You may need to take a specific medication for a few weeks or months to know if you will benefit in terms of symptom management. If a medication isn’t effective, Dr. Sainvil may adjust your dosage or recommend a different one.

How can I succeed with my medication management plan?

Once you have the right combination of medications, it’s important to stick to your medication management plan.

During your telehealth medication management appointments, Dr. Sainvil reviews your symptoms and how your medications are working for you. If you need a medication refill, she sends your prescription to the nearest pharmacy of your choice. 

Some individuals have trouble remembering to take medications regularly or continuing to take them over time. Medication management is also essential for these patients. 

Dr. Sainvil helps you find the resources to heal and thrive. For the medication management support to maintain your health, schedule an appointment online today.