Weight Loss Management

Medical and Mental Health Services
Weight Loss Management across Georgia

Weight Loss Management

Weight Loss Management services offered across Georgia

Achieving a healthy weight can significantly improve your long-term health and wellness. At Elitist Healthcare, Dr. Carlyn Sainvil, offers progressive, obesity management programs that focus on your body-wide health through telehealth visits. To learn more about weight loss management and how it can help you, schedule an appointment online today. 

Weight Loss Management Q&A

How does weight loss management benefit me?

Excess weight affects much more than your physical appearance, it also puts additional stress on your joints, cardiovascular system, and mental well-being. It may feel overwhelming if you have significant weight to lose, but studies from the National Institutes of Health show that even a 5-10% reduction in your weight can dramatically improve your health.

Although this percentage may be far from your end weight loss goal, obesity management is an important first step toward improving your overall health. 

In addition to feeling better and having more energy, losing weight can improve your results on several health assessments, including your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.

What medical conditions are linked to obesity?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity increases your risk of developing several serious health conditions, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol 
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Certain types of cancer
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problems

Certain mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, can develop from obesity as a result of low self-esteem. 

How does weight loss management work?

Dr. Sainvil understands that your weight loss journey may be a complex and challenging one, which is why she supports and guides you through the process with a progressive obesity management program. She helps you see weight loss as a journey rather than a destination and ensures you’re getting proper nutrition and slimming down at a healthy rate.

It’s common for many patients to want to lose weight fast and effortlessly, but the most effective and long-lasting obesity management happens over time. As you adopt better lifestyle habits and start increasing your physical activity, managing your weight becomes easier.

To develop your program, Dr. Sainvil conducts an exam and a review of your lifestyle habits. She works with you to develop a customized weight loss plan that addresses the cause of your excess weight. This include nutrition, exercise counseling, and medications to enhance weight loss.

To discover how Dr. Sainvil can help you with your weight loss goals, call Elitist Healthcare or schedule an appointment online today.