Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can disrupt your life and relationships in many ways, creating problems for you in work, school, and home life. At Elitist Healthcare, Dr. Carlyn Sainvil, offers the help you need to understand and manage your condition. Dr. Sainvil offers evidence-based treatments through telehealth visits to residents living in and outside of Georgia. Schedule an appointment online today to discuss your treatment in more detail.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral health condition that’s often diagnosed in early childhood. However, for many people, ADHD symptoms continue to affect them well into adulthood. You can also be diagnosed with ADHD as an adult.
The three primary traits of ADHD are attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. The type of ADHD you have is often indicated by your most dominant trait, but for some people, they can have a combined type (hyperactivity/impulsivity).
Depending on the primary type of ADHD you have, you may have the following symptoms along with it:
People with ADHD have unique patterns of attention and inattention. It can be extremely difficult for a person with ADHD to remain focused on a task or activity.
They’re more likely to jump from activity to activity and can become bored easily. Some people with ADHD tend to drift off into daydreams, while others struggle to process information under pressure.
Adults with ADHD can struggle with the need to always be moving, fidgeting, or talking. Without the right care, hyperactivity can become disruptive at work or school and can also get in the way of social relationships.
People with impulsivity type ADHD tend to make snap decisions or act without carefully considering consequences.
If you struggle to manage ADHD symptoms effectively, contact Elite Primary Care for a mental health evaluation and medical care.
With proper care for ADHD, you can live a productive and fulfilling life. You don’t have to let ADHD stop you from living life to the fullest as there are many strategies that can help you.
Once you’re diagnosed with ADHD, Dr. Sainvil works closely with you to develop management strategies that will work for you and your lifestyle. Your treatment plan may include counseling and medication management.
Some patients with ADHD also have co-occurring mental health issues like anxiety, insomnia, depression, or substance use disorder. At Elitist Healthcare, Dr. Sainvil treats your whole-person health and tailors support services to meet your specific needs.
To learn more about strategies to successfully manage your ADHD, schedule an appointment online today.